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Rotor Modifications & Repair
Clearance 1 $200.00 Info: Pair/2 Machine 4 side planar faces
Clearance 2 $300.00 info: 20B/3 Machine 4 side Planar faces
Clearance 3 $300.00 Info: Pair/2 Machine 3 Compression Chambers -
Clearance 4 $450.00 Info: 20B/3 Machine 3 Compression Chambers
Scallop Mach. $250.00 Info: Each/1 Rotor
Clean and Repair $ - Call - Info: Rusty, Stuck side seals, etc.
Spun Bearing $350.00 Info: Pair/2 Include Bearings
Apex-Grove $350.00 Info: Machine from 2MM-3MM Pair/2 or RX8
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